Matt Vero

Front end developer

About Me

I'm Matt Vero, a self taught front end developer motivated by a passion for learning, fast-paced work and asking lots of questions. I really enjoy working amongst a team and love solving problems in dynamic environments, especially when surrounded by supportive, like-minded team members.


  • 2019 - Current

    Studying Front end development.

    Studying online whilst working part time.

  • 2013-2015

    BTEC Level 3 Diploma – Engineering


  • 2019 - Current

    Studying Front end development.

    Studying online whilst working part time.

  • 2016 - 2019


    Member Services Agent

My Goals

  • Become a crucial and valued member of a team.

  • Be known as an expert in my field.

  • Learn from the best.

  • Create work my team and I can be proud of.

Personal Time

When I'm not working on becoming the *best front end developer ever* I'm usually engrossed in one of my hobbies!

3D printing, gaming (tabletop / video), trying to grow plants etc. Usually whichever takes my fancy in the moment.


My Skills

  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • Git
  • HTML5
  • Node.js
  • Firebase
  • GraphQL

My Projects

Netflix Clone
